Why we use real leather

Humans are omnivores. We eat meat and plants to survive. Leather is a natural, durable, sustainable, biodegradable material that is a by-product from food industry. Being animal skin, it can be easily decomposed by bacteria and other living organisms. The animal hide would go to waste if not responsibly processed into tanned leather. Humans have used leather for a long time for protection, tools, fashion, interiors, and art.

Faux, plant based, and vegan synthetic leather typically contain a significant amount of plastic. These materials are often used due to their relative low cost, but they are not biodegradable, sustainable, or durable like real leather.

Let's try to make responsible choices and reduce the amount of plastic ending up in our bodies, oceans, and environment.

  • Most vegan leathers are made with plastic, like PVC or polyurethane. These materials are made with polluting fossil fuels.

  • Though many plant based and vegan leathers mention apple, cactus, pineapple, cork, etc. as components, they are typically bound with plastic for structure and durability.

  • Vegan, plant based, and faux synthetic leathers may be animal free but it is not sustainable, and biodegradable.

Choose products that are biodegradable, beautiful, and locally made.